Thursday, May 06, 2004

Italiano in London

Sat in the rear carriage to avoid BB1. He was supposed to take catch the train at Faversham. But when the train reached Faversham- he was nowhere in sight. Perhaps he took an earlier train. Panic stricken caught me when the train nearly reached Victoria, i dingdongly thot that i had lost my mobile, when in fact i did use it earlier in the train. Unashamedly asked the man behind me to call my number from his mobile. Everybody was looking at me as i frantically searched for the phone. And finally found that it has been in my bag allllllll along.. dhoh!

It seems that my 'panic' day didn't end just there. Got off on the wrong underground station. 20 mins journey turned into 45 minutes journey. As a result- turned up late for the meeting. Receptionist kindly showed the backdoor to the meeting. Sat down almost immediately when the guy across the aisle called my name. Waaaa... almost can't believe it. It was Alessandro- attractive looking Italian ex- coursemate from another era. Friedman's talk was as what's in their paper. But the comments from the others were quite informative. Prof Hand from Imperial suggested the 'paired' method that BB2 suggested to me last year - which i didn't get around to do it (BB2 laughed when I told him this morning that the 'great' Hand suggested this to the authors). BB1 was sitting about 2 chairs infront of me. Not sure whether he noticed me or not because when he left early, he didn't even looked or acknowledged when he passed by me!( Areeg later said that this is 'normal' of him... so dun take it personally). After the talk, had a good chat with Aless and Klaudia (another ex- coursemate). I realised that talking to tall people makes my neck strained a bit la.. tinggi sangat dia orang nih! Walked with Aless to the tube station. He is now doing a post doc with Guy Nason at Bristol. On the way, came across a pub. .. asked if i'd like to have a drink.. 'dun you remember that I dun drink la Aless'.. 'you can have water'... (yeah right!!!). Part of me wants to have a drink with him.. but 1- not in a pub, 2- feels too intimate la... he is italian you see..haha! Gave excuse that I have to get a train back early. Parted at Victoria. Got on the 2004 train home before indulging in a double choc cupcake and Cheese pastry from a French outlet.